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Cetartiodactyla: Version 1
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Select/Deselect all Artiodactyla:Antilocapridae
Antilocapra americana
Select/Deselect all Artiodactyla:Bovidae
Addax nasomaculatus
(Addax / screwhorn antelope)
Aepyceros melampus
Alcelaphus buselaphus
Alcelaphus caama
(red hartebeest)
Alcelaphus lichtensteinii
(Lichtenstein's hartebeest)
Ammotragus lervia
(Barbary sheep / aoudad / waddan /arui / arruis)
Antidorcas marsupialis
Antilope cervicapra
Beatragus hunteri
(Hirola / Hunter's hartebeest)
Bison bison
(American bison / American buffalo)
Bison bonasus
(wisent / European bison / European wood bison)
Bos frontalis gaurus
Bos grunniens
(domestic yak)
Bos javanicus
Bos sauveli
Bos taurus
Bos taurus primigenius
Boselaphus tragocamelus
Bubalus bubalis
(water buffalo)
Bubalus depressicornis
(lowland anoa)
Bubalus mindorensis
Bubalus quarlesi
(mountain anoa)
Budorcas taxicolor
Capra caucasica
(West Caucasian tur)
Capra caucasica cylindricornis
(East Caucasian tur)
Capra falconeri
Capra hircus
Capra ibex
Capra nubiana
(Nubian ibex)
Capra pyrenaica
(Spanish ibex)
Capra sibirica
(Siberian ibex)
Capra walie
Capricornis crispus
(Japanese serow)
Capricornis sumatraensis
(Sumatran serow)
Capricornis swinhoei
(Taiwan serow/ Formosan serow)
Cephalophus adersi
(Aders's duiker)
Cephalophus callipygus
(Peters' duiker)
Cephalophus dorsalis
(bay duiker)
Cephalophus jentinki
(Jentink's duiker)
Cephalophus leucogaster
(white-bellied duiker)
Cephalophus natalensis
(Natal duiker)
Cephalophus natalensis harveyi
(Harvey's red duiker)
Cephalophus niger
(black duiker)
Cephalophus nigrifrons
(black-fronted duiker)
Cephalophus nigrifrons rubidus
(Ruwenzori duiker / Ruwenzori red duiker)
Cephalophus ogilbyi
(Ogilby's duiker)
Cephalophus rufilatus
(red-flanked duiker)
Cephalophus silvicultor
(yellow-backed duiker)
Cephalophus spadix
(Abbott's duiker)
Cephalophus weynsi
(Weyns's duiker)
Cephalophus zebra
(zebra duiker)
Connochaetes gnou
(black wildebeest)
Connochaetes taurinus
(brindled gnu)
Damaliscus lunatus
Damaliscus pygargus
Gazella bennettii
(Indian gazelle)
Gazella cuvieri
(Cuvier's gazelle)
Gazella dorcas
(Dorcas gazelle)
Gazella gazella
(mountain gazelle)
Gazella leptoceros
(Rhim gazelle)
Gazella saudiya
(Saudi gazelle)
Gazella spekei
(Speke's gazelle)
Gazella subgutturosa
(goitered gazelle)
Hemitragus hylocrius
(Nilgiri tahr)
Hemitragus jayakari
(Arabian tahr)
Hemitragus jemlahicus
(Himalayan tahr)
Hippotragus equinus
(roan antelope)
Hippotragus leucophaeus
(blue antelope)
Hippotragus niger
(sable antelope)
Kobus ellipsiprymnus
Kobus kob
Kobus leche
Kobus megaceros
(Nile lechwe)
Kobus vardonii
Litocranius walleri
Madoqua guentheri
(Guenther's dik-dik)
Madoqua kirkii
(Kirk's dik-dik)
Myotragus balearicus
(Balearic Islands cave goat)
Naemorhedus caudatus
(long-tailed goral)
Naemorhedus goral
(Himalayan goral / Gray goral)
Naemorhedus griseus
(Chinese goral)
Nanger dama
(Dama gazelle)
Nanger granti
(Grant's gazelle)
Nanger soemmerringii
(Soemmerring's gazelle)
Neotragus moschatus
Oreamnos americanus
(mountain goat)
Oreamnos harringtoni
(Harrington's mountain goat)
Oreotragus oreotragus
Oryx beisa
(East African oryx)
Oryx dammah
(scimitar-horned oryx)
Oryx gazella
Oryx leucoryx
(Arabian oryx)
Ourebia ourebi
Ovibos moschatus
Ovis ammon
Ovis aries
Ovis aries orientalis
(Asiatic mouflon)
Ovis aries vignei
Ovis canadensis
(bighorn sheep)
Ovis dalli
(Dall sheep)
Ovis nivicola
(snow sheep)
Pantholops hodgsonii
Pelea capreolus
(common rhebok)
Philantomba maxwellii
(Maxwell's duiker)
Philantomba monticola
(blue duiker)
Philantomba walteri
(Walter's duiker)
Procapra gutturosa
(Mongolian gazelle / Zeren)
Procapra picticaudata
(Tibetan gazelle)
Procapra przewalskii
(Przewalski's gazelle)
Pseudois nayaur
Pseudois schaeferi
(dwarf bharal)
Pseudoryx nghetinhensis
(Saola / Vu Quang ox / Asian unicorn)
Raphicerus campestris
Raphicerus melanotis
(Cape grysbok)
Raphicerus sharpei
(Sharpe's grysbok)
Redunca arundinum
(southern reedbuck)
Redunca fulvorufula
(mountain reedbuck)
Redunca redunca
(Bohar reedbuck)
Rupicapra pyrenaica
(Pyrenean chamois)
Rupicapra rupicapra
Saiga tatarica
Sylvicapra grimmia
(bush duiker)
Syncerus caffer
(African buffalo)
Taurotragus derbianus
(giant eland)
Taurotragus oryx
Tetracerus quadricornis
(four-horned antelope)
Tragelaphus angasii
Tragelaphus buxtoni
(mountain nyala)
Tragelaphus eurycerus
Tragelaphus imberbis
(lesser kudu)
Tragelaphus scriptus
Tragelaphus spekii
Tragelaphus strepsiceros
(greater kudu)
Select/Deselect all Artiodactyla:Camelidae
Camelus bactrianus
(Bactrian camel)
Camelus bactrianus ferus
(Wild Bactrian camel)
Camelus dromedarius
(Arabian camel)
Lama glama
Lama glama guanicoe
Vicugna vicugna
Select/Deselect all Artiodactyla:Cervidae
Alces alces
(moose (North America) / Eurasian elk (Europe))
Axis axis
(Chital / cheetal / chital deer / spotted deer / axis deer)
Axis kuhlii
(Bawean deer / Hyelaphus kuhlii / Kuhl's hog deer)
Axis porcinus
(hog deer)
Blastocerus dichotomus
(marsh deer)
Capreolus capreolus
(Western roe deer)
Capreolus pygargus
(Eastern roe deer)
Cervus elaphus
(red deer)
Cervus nippon
(sika deer)
Dama dama
(fallow deer)
Dama dama mesopotamica
(Persian fallow deer)
Elaphodus cephalophus
(tufted deer)
Elaphurus davidianus
(Pere David's deer)
Hippocamelus antisensis
(Peruvian guemal)
Hippocamelus bisulcus
(Chilean guemal)
Hydropotes inermis
(Chinese water deer)
Mazama americana
(red brocket)
Mazama bororo
(Sao Paulo bororo)
Mazama gouazoubira
(gray brocket)
Mazama gouazoubira nemorivaga
(Amazonian brown brocket / small brown brocket)
Mazama nana
(Pygmy brocket)
Megaloceros giganteus
(Irish elk / giant deer)
Muntiacus crinifrons
(hairy-fronted muntjac / black muntjac)
Muntiacus feae
(Fea's muntjac)
Muntiacus gongshanensis
(Gongshan muntjac)
Muntiacus muntjak
Muntiacus putaoensis
(Leaf deer)
Muntiacus reevesi
(Chinese muntjac)
Muntiacus rooseveltorum
(Roosevelt's muntjac / Roosevelt's barking deer)
Muntiacus truongsonensis
(Truong Son muntjac / Annamite muntjac)
Muntiacus vuquangensis
(Giant muntjac)
Odocoileus hemionus
(mule deer)
Odocoileus virginianus
(white-tailed deer)
Ozotoceros bezoarticus
(pampas deer)
Przewalskium albirostris
(Thorold's deer)
Pudu puda
Rangifer tarandus
Rucervus duvaucelii
(barasingha / swamp deer)
Rucervus eldii
(Eld's deer / Thamin / brow-antlered deer)
Rucervus schomburgki
(Schomburgk's deer)
Rusa timorensis
(Javan Rusa / Sunda sambar)
Rusa unicolor
Select/Deselect all Artiodactyla:Giraffidae
Giraffa camelopardalis
Okapia johnstoni
Select/Deselect all Artiodactyla:Hippopotamidae
Hexaprotodon liberiensis
(pygmy hippopotamus)
Hippopotamus amphibius
Select/Deselect all Artiodactyla:Moschidae
Moschus berezovskii
(Chinese forest musk deer)
Moschus chrysogaster
(alpine musk deer)
Moschus fuscus
(dusky musk deer)
Moschus leucogaster
(Himalayan musk deer)
Moschus moschiferus
(Siberian musk deer)
Select/Deselect all Artiodactyla:Suidae
Babyrousa babyrussa
(Buru babirusa / golden babirusa / hairy babirusa)
Hylochoerus meinertzhageni
(giant forest hog)
Phacochoerus aethiopicus
(desert warthog)
Phacochoerus africanus
(Common warthog)
Potamochoerus larvatus
Potamochoerus porcus
(Red river hog)
Sus barbatus
(bearded pig)
Sus cebifrons
(Visayan warty pig)
Sus celebensis
(Celebes wild boar)
Sus philippensis
(Philippine warty pig)
Sus salvanius
(Pygmy hog)
Sus scrofa
Sus verrucosus
(Java warty pig)
Select/Deselect all Artiodactyla:Tayassuidae
Catagonus wagneri
(Chacoan peccary)
Pecari tajacu
(collared peccary)
Tayassu pecari
(white-lipped peccary)
Select/Deselect all Artiodactyla:Tragulidae
Moschiola meminna
(Indian spotted chevrotain)
Tragulus javanicus
(Lesser Malay chevrotain)
Tragulus napu
(Balabac chevrotain)
Select/Deselect all Cetacea:Balaenidae
Balaena mysticetus
(bowhead whale)
Eubalaena australis
(Southern right whale)
Eubalaena glacialis
(North Atlantic right whale)
Eubalaena japonica
(North Pacific right whale)
Select/Deselect all Cetacea:Balaenopteridae
Balaenoptera acutorostrata
(common minke whale / northern minke whale)
Balaenoptera bonaerensis
(Antarctic minke whale / southern minke whale)
Balaenoptera borealis
(sei whale)
Balaenoptera edeni
(Bryde's whale)
Balaenoptera musculus
(blue whale)
Balaenoptera physalus
(fin whale / finback whale / razorback)
Megaptera novaeangliae
(humpback whale)
Select/Deselect all Cetacea:Delphinidae
Cephalorhynchus commersonii
(Commerson's dolphin)
Cephalorhynchus eutropia
(black dolphin)
Cephalorhynchus heavisidii
(Heaviside's dolphin)
Cephalorhynchus hectori
(Hector's dolphin)
Delphinus capensis
(long-beaked common dolphin)
Delphinus delphis
(saddleback dolphin)
Delphinus tropicalis
(Arabian common dolphin)
Feresa attenuata
(pygmy killer whale)
Globicephala macrorhynchus
(short-finned pilot whale)
Globicephala melas
(long-finned pilot whale)
Grampus griseus
(Risso's dolphin)
Lagenodelphis hosei
(Fraser's dolphin)
Lagenorhynchus acutus
(Atlantic white-sided dolphin)
Lagenorhynchus albirostris
(white-beaked dolphin)
Lagenorhynchus australis
(Peale's dolphin)
Lagenorhynchus cruciger
(hourglass dolphin)
Lagenorhynchus obliquidens
(Pacific white-sided dolphin)
Lagenorhynchus obscurus
(dusky dolphin)
Lissodelphis borealis
(northern right whale dolphin)
Lissodelphis peronii
(southern right whale dolphin)
Orcaella brevirostris
(Irrawaddy dolphin)
Orcaella heinsohni
(Australian snubfin dolphin)
Orcinus orca
(Killer whale)
Peponocephala electra
(melon-headed whale)
Pseudorca crassidens
(false killer whale)
Sotalia fluviatilis
(gray dolphin)
Sousa chinensis
(Indo-pacific humpbacked dolphin)
Stenella attenuata
(bridled dolphin)
Stenella clymene
(Clymene dolphin)
Stenella coeruleoalba
(striped dolphin)
Stenella frontalis
(Atlantic spotted dolphin)
Stenella longirostris
(pantropical spinner dolphin)
Steno bredanensis
(rough-toothed dolphin)
Tursiops aduncus
(Indo-pacific bottlenose dolphin)
Tursiops truncatus
(bottlenosed dolphin)
Select/Deselect all Cetacea:Eschrichtiidae
Eschrichtius robustus
(grey whale)
Select/Deselect all Cetacea:Iniidae
Inia geoffrensis
Lipotes vexillifer
(Yangtze River dolphin)
Pontoporia blainvillei
Select/Deselect all Cetacea:Monodontidae
Delphinapterus leucas
(beluga whale)
Monodon monoceros
Select/Deselect all Cetacea:Neobalaenidae
Caperea marginata
(pygmy right whale)
Select/Deselect all Cetacea:Phocoenidae
Neophocaena phocaenoides
(Finless porpoise)
Phocoena dioptrica
(spectacled porpoise)
Phocoena phocoena
(harbor porpoise)
Phocoena sinus
Phocoena spinipinnis
(Burmeister's porpoise)
Phocoenoides dalli
(Dall's porpoise)
Select/Deselect all Cetacea:Physeteridae
Kogia breviceps
(pygmy sperm whale)
Kogia sima
(dwarf sperm whale)
Physeter catodon
(sperm whale)
Select/Deselect all Cetacea:Platanistidae
Platanista gangetica
(Ganges River dolphin)
Platanista minor
(Indus River dolphin)
Select/Deselect all Cetacea:Ziphiidae
Berardius arnuxii
(Arnoux's beaked whale)
Berardius bairdii
(Baird's beaked whale)
Hyperoodon (Frasercetus) planifrons
(southern bottlenose whale)
Hyperoodon (Hyperoodon) ampullatus
(northern bottlenose whale)
Indopacetus pacificus
(tropical bottlenose whale / Indo-Pacific beaked whale)
Mesoplodon bidens
(Sowerby's beaked whale)
Mesoplodon bowdoini
(Andrew's beaked whale)
Mesoplodon carlhubbsi
(Hubbs' beaked whale)
Mesoplodon densirostris
(Blainville's beaked whale)
Mesoplodon europaeus
(Gervais' beaked whale)
Mesoplodon ginkgodens
(Ginkgo-toothed beaked whale)
Mesoplodon grayi
(Gray's beaked whale)
Mesoplodon hectori
(Hector's beaked whale)
Mesoplodon layardii
(strap-toothed whale)
Mesoplodon mirus
(True's beaked whale)
Mesoplodon perrini
(Perrin's beaked whale)
Mesoplodon peruvianus
(Peruvian beaked whale)
Mesoplodon stejnegeri
(Stejneger's beaked whale)
Tasmacetus shepherdi
(Shepherd's beaked whale)
Ziphius cavirostris
(Cuvier's beaked whale)
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on line
Total number of downloaded trees for the order
since May 2012: 113262