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Primates: Version 3
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Select/Deselect all Lemuriformes
Allocebus trichotis
(hairy-eared dwarf lemur)
Archaeolemur majori
Avahi cleesei
(Bemaraha woolly lemur / Cleese's woolly lemur)
Avahi laniger
(woolly lemur)
Avahi occidentalis
(western avahi)
Avahi unicolor
(Sambirano woolly lemur)
Cheirogaleus crossleyi
(furry-eared dwarf lemur)
Cheirogaleus major
(greater dwarf lemur)
Cheirogaleus medius
(fat-tailed dwarf lemur)
Daubentonia madagascariensis
Hapalemur aureus
(golden bamboo lemur)
Hapalemur griseus
(bamboo lemur)
Hapalemur simus
(greater bamboo lemur)
Indri indri
(Indri / Indris / Short-Tailed Indris / Dog-Faced lemur)
Lemur catta
(ring-tailed lemur)
Lepilemur aeeclis
(Antafia sportive lemur)
Lepilemur ankaranensis
(Ankarana sportive lemur)
Lepilemur hubbardorum
(Hubbard's Sportive Lemur)
Lepilemur manasamody
(Manasamody sportive lemur)
Lepilemur mitsinjoensis
(Mitsinjo sportive lemur)
Lepilemur mustelinus
(red-tailed sportive lemur)
Lepilemur otto
(Otto's sportive lemur / Ambodimahabibo sportive lemur)
Lepilemur randrianasoli
(Randrianasoli's sportive lemur)
Lepilemur sahamalazensis
(Sahamalaza sportive lemur)
Lepilemur seali
(Seal's sportive lemur)
Microcebus berthae
(Madame Berthe's mouse lemur)
Microcebus bongolavensis
(Bongolava mouse lemur)
Microcebus danfossi
(Danfoss' mouse lemur)
Microcebus griseorufus
(reddish-gray mouse lemur)
Microcebus jollyae
(Jolly's mouse lemur)
Microcebus lehilahytsara
(Goodman's mouse lemur)
Microcebus lokobensis
(Lokobe mouse lemur)
Microcebus macarthurii
(MacArthur's mouse lemur / Anjiahely mouse lemur)
Microcebus mamiratra
(Claire's mouse lemur)
Microcebus mittermeieri
(Mittermeier's mouse lemur)
Microcebus murinus
(gray mouse lemur)
Microcebus myoxinus
(Pygmy mouse lemur)
Microcebus ravelobensis
(golden-brown mouse lemur)
Microcebus rufus
(brown mouse lemur)
Microcebus sambiranensis
(Sambirano mouse lemur)
Microcebus simmonsi
(Simmons' mouse lemur)
Microcebus tavaratra
(northern Rufous mouse lemur)
Mirza coquereli
(Coquerel's mouse lemur)
Mirza zaza
(northern giant mouse lemur)
Petterus coronatus
(crowned lemur)
Petterus fulvus
(brown lemur of Mayotte)
Petterus macaco
(black lemur)
Petterus mongoz
(mongoose lemur)
Petterus rubriventer
(red-bellied lemur)
Phaner furcifer
(fork-marked lemur)
Propithecus coquereli
(Coquerel's sifaka)
Propithecus deckenii
(Van der Decken's Sifaka)
Propithecus diadema
(diademed sifaka)
Propithecus edwardsi
(Milne-Edwards sifaka)
Propithecus tattersalli
(Tattersall's sifaka / golden-crowned sifaka)
Propithecus verreauxi
(white sifaka / Verreaux's sifaka)
Varecia rubra
(red ruffed lemur)
Varecia variegata
(black-and-white ruffed lemur)
Select/Deselect all Loridae
Arctocebus aureus
(golden angwantibo)
Arctocebus calabarensis
(calabar angwantibo)
Loris lydekkerianus
(gray slender loris)
Loris tardigradus
(red slender Loris)
Nycticebus bengalensis
(Bengal slow loris)
Nycticebus coucang
(slow loris)
Nycticebus javanicus
(Javan Slow Loris)
Nycticebus menagensis
(Bornean Slow Loris)
Nycticebus pygmaeus
(pygmy slow loris)
Perodicticus potto
Select/Deselect all Galagonidae
Euoticus elegantulus
(western needle-clawed galago)
Galago alleni
(Allen's squirrel galago)
Galago gallarum
(Somali galago)
Galago granti
(Grant's bushbaby)
Galago matschiei
(Matschie's galago)
Galago moholi
(South African galago)
Galago senegalensis
(Senegal galago)
Galagoides demidoff
(Demidoff's galago)
Galagoides zanzibaricus
(Zanzibar galago)
Otolemur crassicaudatus
(thick-tailed bush baby)
Otolemur garnettii
(small-eared galago)
Select/Deselect all Tarsiidae
Tarsius bancanus
(Horsfield's tarsier)
Tarsius dentatus
(Dian's tarsier)
Tarsius lariang
(Lariang tarsier)
Tarsius syrichta
(Philippine tarsier)
Select/Deselect all Pitheciidae
Cacajao calvus
(red uakari)
Cacajao melanocephalus
(black uakari)
Callicebus donacophilus
(Bolivian titi)
Callicebus hoffmannsi
(Hoffmanns's titi)
Callicebus moloch
(red-bellied titi)
Callicebus personatus
(masked titi)
Callicebus torquatus
(yellow-handed titi)
Chiropotes satanas
(black-bearded saki)
Pithecia irrorata
(bald-faced saki)
Pithecia pithecia
(white-faced saki)
Select/Deselect all Cebidae
Aotus azarae
(Azara's night monkey)
Aotus trivirgatus
(Douroucouli / Owl monkey / Northern night monkey)
Callimico goeldii
(Goeldi's marmoset)
Callithrix argentata
(black-tailed marmoset)
Callithrix aurita
(white-eared marmoset)
Callithrix emiliae
(Snethlage's marmoset)
Callithrix geoffroyi
(Geoffroy's marmoset)
Callithrix humeralifera
(tassel-eared marmoset)
Callithrix jacchus
(white-tufted-ear marmoset)
Callithrix kuhli
(Weid's black-tufted-ear marmoset)
Callithrix mauesi
(Rio Maues marmoset / Maues marmoset)
Cebuella pygmaea
(pygmy marmoset)
Cebus albifrons
(white-fronted capuchin)
Cebus apella
(tufted capuchin)
Cebus capucinus
(white-faced sapajou)
Cebus olivaceus
(weeper capuchin monkey)
Cebus xanthosternos
(yellow-breasted capuchin)
Leontopithecus chrysomelas
(gold-and-black lion tamarin)
Leontopithecus chrysopygus
(golden-rumped lion tamarin)
Leontopithecus rosalia
(golden lion tamarin)
Saguinus bicolor
(Brazilian Bare-faced tamarin)
Saguinus fuscicollis
(brown-headed tamarin)
Saguinus imperator
Saguinus leucopus
(silvery-brown bare-face tamarin)
Saguinus midas
(Midas tamarin)
Saguinus mystax
(moustached tamarin)
Saguinus niger
(black-handed tamarin)
Saguinus oedipus
(cotton-top tamarin)
Saguinus tripartitus
(golden-mantled tamarin)
Saimiri boliviensis
(Bolivian squirrel monkey)
Saimiri oerstedii
(Central American squirrel monkey)
Saimiri sciureus
(common squirrel monkey)
Saimiri ustus
(bare-eared squirrel monkey)
Select/Deselect all Atelidae
Alouatta belzebul
(black-and-red howler monkey)
Alouatta caraya
(black howler monkey)
Alouatta guariba
(brown howler monkey)
Alouatta palliata
(mantled howler monkey)
Alouatta sara
(Bolivian red howler monkey)
Alouatta seniculus
(red howler monkey)
Alouatta villosa
(black howler monkey / Guatemalan howler monkey)
Ateles belzebuth
(white-bellied spider monkey)
Ateles fusciceps
(brown-headed spider monkey)
Ateles geoffroyi
(black-handed spider monkey)
Ateles paniscus
(black spider monkey)
Brachyteles arachnoides
(woolly spider monkey)
Lagothrix lagotricha
(common woolly monkey)
Select/Deselect all Cercopithecini
Allenopithecus nigroviridis
(Allen's swamp monkey)
Cercopithecus aethiops
(African green monkey)
Cercopithecus albogularis
(Sykes' monkey)
Cercopithecus ascanius
(black-cheeked white-nosed monkey)
Cercopithecus campbelli
(Campbell's monkey)
Cercopithecus cephus
(moustached monkey)
Cercopithecus diana
(Diana monkey)
Cercopithecus erythrogaster
(red-bellied guenon / Jentink's guenon / red-bellied monkey / white-throated guenon)
Cercopithecus erythrotis
(russet-eared, nose-spotted, or red-eared guenon)
Cercopithecus hamlyni
(owl-faced monkey)
Cercopithecus lhoesti
(L'Hoest's monkey)
Cercopithecus mitis
(blue monkey)
Cercopithecus mona
(Mona monkey)
Cercopithecus neglectus
(De Brazza's monkey)
Cercopithecus nictitans
(white-nosed guenon)
Cercopithecus petaurista
(lesser white-nosed monkey)
Cercopithecus pogonias
(crowned guenon)
Cercopithecus preussi
(Preuss's guenon / Cross's guenon)
Cercopithecus solatus
(sun-Tailed guenon)
Cercopithecus wolfi
(Wolf's monkey)
Erythrocebus patas
(red guenon)
Miopithecus talapoin
Select/Deselect all Papionini
Cercocebus albigena
(gray-cheeked mangabey)
Cercocebus aterrimus
(black mangabey)
Cercocebus galeritus
(agile mangabey)
Cercocebus torquatus
(red-crowned mangabey)
Macaca arctoides
(stump-tailed macaque)
Macaca assamensis
(Assam macaque)
Macaca cyclopis
(Taiwan macaque)
Macaca fascicularis
(crab-eating macaque)
Macaca fuscata
(Japanese macaque)
Macaca leonina
(Northern pig-tailed macaque)
Macaca maurus
(moor macaque)
Macaca mulatta
(rhesus monkey)
Macaca munzala
(Arunachal macaque)
Macaca nemestrina
(pig-tailed macaque)
Macaca nigra
(Celebes crested macaque)
Macaca ochreata
(booted macaque)
Macaca pagensis
(Mentawai macaque)
Macaca radiata
(bonnet macaque)
Macaca silenus
(liontail macaque)
Macaca sinica
(toque macaque)
Macaca sylvanus
(Barbary ape)
Macaca thibetana
(Pere David's macaque)
Macaca tonkeana
(Tonkean macaque)
Mandrillus leucophaeus
Mandrillus sphinx
Papio anubis
(olive baboon)
Papio cynocephalus
(yellow baboon)
Papio hamadryas
(hamadryas baboon)
Papio papio
(Guinea baboon)
Papio ursinus
(Chacma baboon)
Rungwecebus kipunji
Theropithecus gelada
(gelada baboon)
Select/Deselect all Colobinae
Colobus angolensis
(Angolan colobus)
Colobus badius
(western red colobus)
Colobus guereza
Colobus polykomos
(king colobus)
Colobus satanas
(black Colobus)
Colobus vellerosus
(ursine colobus / Geoffroy's black-and-white colobus)
Nasalis larvatus
(proboscis monkey)
Piliocolobus foai
(Central African red Colobus)
Piliocolobus gordonorum
(Uzungwa red colobus)
Piliocolobus kirkii
(Zanzibar red Colobus)
Piliocolobus pennantii
(Pennant's red Colobus)
Piliocolobus preussi
(Preuss's red Colobus)
Piliocolobus rufomitratus
(Tana river red Colobus)
Piliocolobus tephrosceles
(Ugandan red Colobus)
Piliocolobus tholloni
(Thollon's red Colobus)
Presbytis aurata
(Javan langur)
Presbytis comata
(grizzled leaf monkey)
Presbytis cristata
(silvered leaf monkey)
Presbytis entellus
(Hanuman langur)
Presbytis francoisi
(Francois's leaf monkey)
Presbytis geei
(Golden langur / Golden leaf monkey)
Presbytis johnii
(hooded leaf monkey)
Presbytis melalophos
(mitred leaf monkey)
Presbytis obscura
(dusky leaf monkey)
Presbytis phayrei
(Phayre's leaf monkey)
Presbytis pileata
(capped leaf monkey)
Presbytis vetulus
(purple-faced leaf monkey)
Procolobus verus
(olive colobus)
Pygathrix avunculus
(Tonkin snub-nosed monkey)
Pygathrix brelichi
(gray snub-nosed monkey)
Pygathrix cinerea
(gray-shanked Douc langur)
Pygathrix nemaeus
(Douc langur)
Pygathrix roxellana
(golden snub-nosed monkey)
Trachypithecus germaini
(Indochinese lutung)
Trachypithecus laotum
(Laotian langur)
Trachypithecus poliocephalus
(white-headed langur)
Select/Deselect all Hominoidea
Gorilla beringei
(Eastern gorilla)
Gorilla gorilla
(Western lowland gorilla)
Homo sapiens
Homo sapiens neanderthalensis
Hylobates agilis
(agile gibbon)
Hylobates concolor
(crested gibbon)
Hylobates hoolock
(Hoolock gibbon)
Hylobates klossii
(Kloss's gibbon)
Hylobates lar
(common gibbon)
Hylobates moloch
(silvery gibbon)
Hylobates muelleri
(Mueller's gibbon)
Hylobates pileatus
(pileated gibbon)
Hylobates syndactylus
Nomascus gabriellae
(red-cheeked gibbon)
Nomascus leucogenys
(white-cheeked gibbon)
Nomascus nasutus
(eastern black crested gibbon)
Nomascus siki
(southern white-cheeked gibbon)
Pan paniscus
(pygmy chimpanzee)
Pan troglodytes
(Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee)
Pongo abelii
(Sumatran orangutan)
Pongo pygmaeus
(Bornean orangutan)
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Total number of downloaded trees for the order
since June 2009: 5212015